
Showing posts from April, 2023

Organo Gold

    Is anyone a coffee drinker about 70% of this worlds population are coffee drinkers . One of the best coffees known today is NescafĂ©. I have tried NescafĂ© and I believe it would be good with creamer and stuff added to it.    Just the way I tried It, was like a dieting type of coffee where you add lemon to it, so it wasn’t all that good to me but I didn’t mind drinking it. The best coffee I have ever tried is the brand named Organo gold. Organo gold coffee not only is good coffee but also has a lot of benefits in it. The benefits to this coffee are that it helps to balance, the pH in the body, boost the immune system, provides energy, no jitters or caffeine crash contains 150 natural antioxidants and oxygenates the body. It also contains the powerful mushroom known as the king of herbs Ganoderma. Ganoderma is a reishi mushroom and because of its 4000 year long history of its ability to improve the body’s healing and longevity it is called the miracle herb by the Ch...


   Playgrounds. They are pretty much every kids happy place, am I right? My toddler absolutely loves to play at the playground. That's going to be my topic for today talking about what she loves to do at the playground, Have you ever heard of the Wheels on the bus song? Well my toddler really loves that song. She loves to sing it when we go to the playground near our home. The playground here is pretty simple it has 3 slides, a wheel to turn and a climbing area, and a seesaw. She likes to sing the wheels on the bus song when she is playing with the wheel. She starts off by singing "the town.. the baby on the bus goes waa waa waa waa waa waa the baby on the goes waa waa waa waaa waa waa all through the town, the horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, the horn on the bus goes beep, beep beep beep beep beep all through the town" and just repeats those 2 stanzas every time. But its so cute hearing her sing it . I love every minute of it.  Her favorite thing ...

How can you have a happy life?

 Good Day,  My name is Deja and I was writing to share a thought with you on happiness you may wonder with everything going on how can someone possibly have a happy life? Well, notice what it says at Psalms 1:1,2 it reads “Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked And does not stand on the path of sinners and does not sit in the seat of scoffers. But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And he reads his law in an undertone day and night. So as you can see here it’s telling us that in order for us to be happy we must regularly read God’s word & another good scripture that brings out a good point is 1 Corinthians 15:33 brings out a good point it says "Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits" which both scriptures tell us to basically keep on the watch with who we associate with.  But many people may feel like making money and possessions is the way to happiness but what effect can the love of money and possessions have on o...

What will happen in the Future?

 Good Day,  My name is Deja, and I wanted to write you a letter to encourage you amongst everything that is happening in the world today. I hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe. You know with everything happening such as war/pollution and the ongoing food shortages around the world also can't forget the many different natural disasters happening in the world, many people wonder if it is going to end and get better. Well notice what God has foretold for us in the Bible at Psalms 72:16 there it says “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.” So in the very near future, there will be no food shortages on the earth. Isn’t that encouraging? God tells us there will be plenty on the earth, Isn't that comforting to hear No human will be able to say they are starving because there will be an overflow on the earth of food. But you might now be thinking when will this happen? How will it happen? Please ...

Can the Bible help us in our day-to-day life?

 Hi there,    I was writing to get your opinion on certain situations we have in life, like work for instance, let’s say for example your friend owns a company and is a workaholic, he works day in and day out with nothing left to give. . Would you say he/she is enjoying all the hard work he is giving? You would be right if you said no because he/she may have no time or energy left to enjoy what they have worked for.  What would u use to give him/her practical advice? Would the Bible come up into your mind? Well, notice what the bible says at 2 tim 3:16,17 “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” So from this scripture, we can see 2 key points. First, the Bible is from God, Secondly, the Bible is for our benefit, to teach us, and to set us straight. So going back to the example I...

Does God really care about us?

 Good day,   I was writing to share with you a comforting message I feel everyone should know about. When tragedies happen such as the loss of a loved one, many people feel like God doesn’t care about us. Have you ever felt that way? If so your not alone,  When we go through problems in life it helps to know someone cares, and God does, notice what He states in His word the Bible at Matthew 10:29-31 which reads “Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge.  But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.  So have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Isn’t this such a comforting scripture? God is telling us that You, you personally are worth more than any sparrow (animal) and the numbers of your head are numbered meaning he pays close attention to you and what you are going through. This scripture shows he deeply cares and is interested in every one of us....

Why did Jesus die?

 Greetings,         My name is Deja and I am writing to you to answer an important question many around the earth have had, “Why did Jesus die?” Well, let’s go to the Bible to answer this question, notice what it says at John 3:16 it reads “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”  God sent his son to die for us so that we could have everlasting life. But did you get the catch? It’s only if we exercise faith in him. At Mt 20:28 it says “Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.” So God sent his son 1st to minister about him and 2nd to give his life as a ransom for us. Isn’t that beautiful? Doesn’t it make you wonder how you can personally show your appreciation for his ransom sacrifice? When you get a chance please read John 17:3, and if you would like t...

Why do we have so many problems?

  Greetings,  My name is Deja, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war that happened in Ukraine,i am writing to you today to share a positive message from the Bible. Many wonder if we will ever feel safe and secure in this world, and wonder if all the problems we have will ever go away. Have u noticed that every human government has problems? Do you know why that is ? Well the Bible answers that at Jeremiah 10:23 and it says “It does not belong to man . . . even to direct his step.” So you see God did not create us to govern ourselves, and that’s why they have so many problems. But since we have so many problems how does God help us to cope with them?  Well notice what it says in Jeremiah 29:11  “‘For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”  So as you can see from this verse God says he is thinking thoughts of peace. Have you ever heard the expressi...

God's Purpose for us

 Hi,     Have you ever wondered why God made us? What is His purpose for us? God answers that question in the Bible at Genesis 1:28 where it reads “Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.” So as you have rightfully guessed this was back in Adam and Eve’s time, when they were living in the Garden of Eden (paradise). You might be asking yourself how does this apply now? Well would you say the earth is a paradise now? No, it is not, and would you say the animals are in subjection to us? Could you command a bear to come to you? No you cannot, so would you say God’s purpose for us is happening now? You're right in saying no, but will his purpose come about for us in the near future? Yes it will, and how can we be sure about this? Notice what God says at Isa 55:11 where...

What will happen in the future?

 Hi,         My name is Deja and I was writing to you today to share a comforting structure from The Bible. In the world all kinds of violence is happening every single day, wouldn't it be great if violence and even war would end  And just never come back into existence again? Well did you know God promises that all of that will for sure come to an end? Notice what he tells us in Psalm 37:10,11 and it reads "Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."  So as you can see here the wicked will no longer be able to live here on Earth and with them gone not causing a disturbance, Can't you see how it would be possible to live in a world full of peace? Coming to know God and his word the bible you will find out that he does truly care about us and in the very near future he wi...

Hearer of Prayer

 Hi there,          My name is Deja and I am writing to you today to share with you a scripture from the bible. You know, with everything going on in the world today, many people are turning to God in prayer. Have you ever wondered if God listens to our prayers? Well, notice how he is described at Psalms 65:2 and it says… "O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come."  Did you notice how God is described? That's right, he is the hearer of prayer, meaning he does listen and wants you to pray to him. Also, did you notice how the verse says to you people of all sorts will come? Meaning no matter what race, background, or language we speak we can all come to Him in prayer. Life as we know it can be hard but it is nice to know we can pray to God, our creator and he understands. But are all prayers acceptable to him? Well if you would like an answer to that question please when you get a chance read 1 John 5:14 and if you would like a further ex...

Why do we suffer?

Greetings,  The world is advancing from bad to worse. (2 Timothy 3:13) We see that all around us, with the way people act, the random shootings, and violence. (2 Timothy 3:2) Sometimes it makes people wonder if the suffering we experience, is punishment from God? Well, let’s see how the Bible answers that question and it’s at James 1:13, it reads “When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.” So according to this scripture did you notice it says God cannot be tried with evil things nor does he himself try anyone? Meaning God does not cause our suffering, so if God isn’t the cause who is? And why do we suffer? At 1 John 5:19 it answers that question, It tells us "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." So it's because of the wicked one, but who is that wicked one? please visit to find the answer to that question, there y...

Jesus Christ

 Hello,       My name is Deja and I was writing to you today to talk about Jesus, I hope you and your family are doing well and received my letter okay. With everything going on in the world with the wars happening, A lot of people have lost loved ones in death, and have begun to wonder what’s going to happen in the future, Is God going to do anything about it? Well, you might be glad to know he already has done something for us, at John 3:16 it tells us that “ For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” Do you know who that only begotten son is? Well, notice what the Bible tells us at Matthew 16:16 “Simon Peter answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. So who is that Son?  That’s right! It’s Jesus Christ, and since Jesus is the son of God you now might wonder why did he die? Well if you notice in the first scripture the first ...

Segment of Letters

  There is going to be a segment of letters to you diving deep into the Bible to learn more about God and his son Jesus Christ. Learning about the Bible and what it teaches can help you develop a close relationship with God and learn about his qualities. The Bible teaches us a variety of things such as Will suffering ever end? What happens when a person dies? Does God really care about us? and so forth. Many people would love to know the answer to these questions and the bible answers them. We can look to the Bible to find answers to our questions because, despite people trying to destroy the Bible, the Bible has survived decades in history only because God wouldn't let it be destroyed. Puzzling questions such as How did life begin? Will this world survive? Is Hellfire a part of Divine Justice? Will people really live in Heaven? These are just a few questions that are answered in the Bible. The Bible also helps us in our day-to-day life answering questions such as How can I fi...

My Favorite Animal

 My favorite animal lives in the deep blue, famously known as the big wide, and endless Ocean. People have made a few movies with this animal and this animal is also known to be really friendly and helpful to humans. Have you guessed it yet? If your guess was a dolphin, you are correct. I have loved dolphins ever since I was a little kid. I love how friendly they are and also how playful dolphins are. They love to hang out in group settings and not like huge group settings but just enough and I also love that about them. Dolphins can be very sociable but also just to themselves, and If I had to choose an animal I would most likely relate to, it would probably be a dolphin Because I also love group settings and yes I can be sociable and friendly but I also like it where I'm just surrounded with the people I know and love. Do you happen to remember that scene on daddy day care? where one of the boys said "dolphins are fish" and the girl was like "no they're not...

One of the Best Natural Disaster Movies ever made

 One of the best Natural disaster movies ever made was in fact a movie called Skyfire. The scenes, the plot, the script, and the action they put into this movie were amazing. If I had to suggest that someone watch a natural disaster movie, that would be the movie. This movie is about a volcano on an island called Tianhuo. It was very beautiful there, featuring breathtaking beaches and beautiful scenic greenery views. Do you know what someone decides to do? They decide to make a luxury hotel resort on the island. Well of course they had to bring in the volcanologists, who were there to monitor the volcano. Nothing had been happening so the guy who was the manager of the hotel decided it was time to bring in some tourists. The day before the tourists do come though, One of the Volcanologists whose name was "Meng Li" goes off her intuition and thinks something is off with the volcano. So she goes and tells the manager, but the manager does not listen to her and the next day the ...

Essential for Life

What's clear and essential for every human and animal living on the earth? Well, not only animals but also plants and trees around the world? You guessed it, it's water. We need water to live, after all our bodies consist of water. I'm so glad we have water,  I wouldn't be able to live without water.  Water is essential for all life on Earth. It's so simple yet at the same time very complex, because of its chemical structure. Water can change forms going from just being a liquid to a solid. Also, water is very powerful, Have you ever seen the waves at the beach? Very powerful, and if you are not careful it can bring you right into the ocean. Another example of how powerful water can be is natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, heavy rain, or hail. Snow is also another form of water and we all know how snow is. It can also be very powerful, bringing temperatures in the air to a whole new level. Fun fact, I love water, It's my favorite drink, and I would ...

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is a great way to get a hold of your eating habits. Especially if you just have that impulse or urge to snack every day all day. Intermittent Fasting has a variety of interval windows you can choose from. Such as; 16/8, 18/6, 20/4. The one I normally do is the 16/8 window which is 16 hours of fasting and an 8-hour window of being able to eat.  Some people find it hard to do an 8-hour window of eating because basically they just don't have self-control. I personally struggle myself with doing it unless I feel like really motivated and dedicated to doing it. People also do Intermittent Fasting to help with losing weight. That's the main reason I do it at times and I really need to get back to doing it. I just have no motivation. Life is hard being a single mom and I suffer from depression so getting up and being like "Yes you can do it." is just not me right now.  I feel unmotivated even to get out of the door most times and I believe that is becaus...

Work From Home Setup

 A work-from-home setup normally includes of course internet, a desk, Computer/ Laptop normally 2 monitors are needed. Also needs a mouse and keyboard and a USB-wired headset. If you are going to be working from home, you have to commit to being at work on time. If your shift starts at 9:00 and you possibly have a computer that takes its time booting up, you might have to get it ready at 8:00 or 8:30 and have the applications needed and ready so you can be ready to work. Even though being at home is way easier than having to get dressed, go out the door, and drive in traffic you still have to make sure your at-home workstation is set up before you start to work and be on time. Appreciate the job you do have if you have a work-from-home job, might be hard to find another one. All kinds of jobs require that you have a good laptop / or computer to work with. So definitely make sure your computer is up to date and I almost forgot always make sure your computer is hardwired to the inter...

Work From Home

Work From Home Jobs are hard to come by. There are a lot of scams out there because they know how much people would like to have a good work-from-home job. I was able to achieve a job working from home, thanks to my God Jehovah. And I like being able to work from home, and though right now I am just in the training stage which is not currently being paid, It's still nice to be able to just wake up, go to the bathroom, turn on my laptop, plug in my ethernet cord and pull up whatever applications I need to get started for my work day. Also, the job I am currently working is part-time which is a blessing in itself, I thank Jehovah so much for this opportunity. I have worked a few other work-from-home jobs, one including Intuit TurboTax as a product support agent, Now that job was okay... having to help customers with any issues they were having with the product and sometimes we would even get tax questions even though in reality we weren't at all no tax expert. But we had the tool...


Making posts is hard. Having to find a topic to write about and then writing about it. I'm really going to try to write about something on here, A little something every other day if not every day. I know I have definitely been slacking, I actually forgot about having to make blogger posts on here. You get caught up in life, being a single mom while also trying to balance work / spiritual life and school one or two of them are going to suffer. Everyone has to make 20 blog posts on here and that is going to be really difficult for me since  I did not continually do the blog posts since beginning this class. I will try my best to get them turned in though. And who knows? Maybe I will be able to complete this assignment by praying to my God for help and getting to work. I will do some research on finding topics to write about. Most topics I might come up with though might be Food related, Animal Related, Some things that are going on in my life, and others possibly, if I can think of ...