What will happen in the Future?

 Good Day, 

My name is Deja, and I wanted to write you a letter to encourage you amongst everything that is happening in the world today. I hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe. You know with everything happening such as war/pollution and the ongoing food shortages around the world also can't forget the many different natural disasters happening in the world, many people wonder if it is going to end and get better. Well notice what God has foretold for us in the Bible at Psalms 72:16 there it says “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.” So in the very near future, there will be no food shortages on the earth. Isn’t that encouraging? God tells us there will be plenty on the earth, Isn't that comforting to hear No human will be able to say they are starving because there will be an overflow on the earth of food. But you might now be thinking when will this happen? How will it happen? Please visit our official website at JW.ORG and there you will find the answer to those questions and any other Bible questions you may have.




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