Hearer of Prayer

 Hi there,

         My name is Deja and I am writing to you today to share with you a scripture from the bible. You know, with everything going on in the world today, many people are turning to God in prayer. Have you ever wondered if God listens to our prayers? Well, notice how he is described at Psalms 65:2 and it says… "O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come."  Did you notice how God is described? That's right, he is the hearer of prayer, meaning he does listen and wants you to pray to him. Also, did you notice how the verse says to you people of all sorts will come? Meaning no matter what race, background, or language we speak we can all come to Him in prayer. Life as we know it can be hard but it is nice to know we can pray to God, our creator and he understands. But are all prayers acceptable to him? Well if you would like an answer to that question please when you get a chance read 1 John 5:14 and if you would like a further explanation in person please go to JW.org and then scroll all the way down the page and click request a visit. Also, there is a lot of bible based articles and videos and an online bible. 





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