How can you have a happy life?
Good Day,
My name is Deja and I was writing to share a thought with you on happiness you may wonder with everything going on how can someone possibly have a happy life? Well, notice what it says at Psalms 1:1,2 it reads “Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked And does not stand on the path of sinners and does not sit in the seat of scoffers. But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And he reads his law in an undertone day and night. So as you can see here it’s telling us that in order for us to be happy we must regularly read God’s word & another good scripture that brings out a good point is 1 Corinthians 15:33 brings out a good point it says "Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits" which both scriptures tell us to basically keep on the watch with who we associate with. But many people may feel like making money and possessions is the way to happiness but what effect can the love of money and possessions have on our happiness? If you’d like the answer to that question please visit JW. ORG there you will also find an online Bible and many other Bible-based articles. I hope you and your family are staying safe and have a great day.
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