Making posts is hard. Having to find a topic to write about and then writing about it. I'm really going to try to write about something on here, A little something every other day if not every day. I know I have definitely been slacking, I actually forgot about having to make blogger posts on here. You get caught up in life, being a single mom while also trying to balance work / spiritual life and school one or two of them are going to suffer. Everyone has to make 20 blog posts on here and that is going to be really difficult for me since I did not continually do the blog posts since beginning this class. I will try my best to get them turned in though. And who knows? Maybe I will be able to complete this assignment by praying to my God for help and getting to work. I will do some research on finding topics to write about. Most topics I might come up with though might be Food related, Animal Related, Some things that are going on in my life, and others possibly, if I can think of some. Yes I kind of am stalling just to finish this post.
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